Wednesday, January 23, 2008

As I sit here all I can think about is how much my life has change. First thing is on June 4 I will have been married 4 years. I right now have a one year old and a two year old ( he will be 3 March 24). I am living out of Utah for the first time in my life. I really am liking it other then not being close to my family. I biggest thing that I think about a lot is that we might not move back to Utah. When Brian is done with this school there will be people there offering him jobs. I say him because they only offer jobs to non active duty and there are not many of them in his class. If he gets a offer we like, we will be moving where ever it is. This kinda scares me as I have trouble with change. I just hope that where ever we go is a good place for a family and that we will be comfortable there. I would also love it if I didn't have to work. I do have trouble with the kids but Brian and I already talked about putting Braxton in some kind a pre-school. So that should help.

I also have been worrying about what kind of a mom I am. Will I teach them right thing. Am I teaching them the right. I just don't know were to being with all the things I want to do with them. I know have started them on a bed time routine.
Kari is doing better with it then Braxton, but she has always had an earlier bedtime. I think part of the reason I am having a hard time with Braxton is Brian helps put him to bed. They always watch a movie. When I put Braxton to bed it is 2 books then lights outs. It is just hard for me to tell Brian you can't do that because with his school, study groups and homework that is the only time they get to spent together.


Lynette said...

You do the best you can and love your kids. It sounds like the established routine works best for bed time. Try to figure out how it works for you. We spent twelve years away from "home." Church and social groups were the family for us and helped us enjoy that time.