Sunday, August 24, 2008

Well just I little update. We have 16 days here in TX left. The house is almost packed. I NEED to go and get a few more boxes. I will do that tomorrow sometime. We are SO happy to be headed about to Utah. We are also talking about what we are going to do where we are going to stay. (Mom we will be staying with you but brian also wants to stay a few days with his grandparents.)
Other then that last night I told Kari night night and went to finish my movie in their room (she was with Brian on the sofa) and I hear when I am about half way down the hall "night night. night night mama" SO right there I KNOW she can talk she just doesn't want to.]
OH and then There are the pics of the kids B in his daddy beret and K playing in the bushes in front of the house

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Here are some LO I did this weekend. I will do a few more today as I am packing up my scrapping things as I have 36 days till I move back to UTah